Overlooking granny flat approvals and other building mistakes
Forgetting to obtain all the correct granny flat approvals is just one of the common mistakes made by homeowners when they are building additional accommodation on their property. These mistakes can cause the entire building process to come to a screeching halt or at the very least, cause everyone involved serious headaches.
If you are ready to build a granny flat on your block of land, here are four mistakes that you need to avoid so that everything runs smoothly.
- Forgetting granny flat approvals: As mentioned above, many homeowners forget that you still need council approvals even if you are building on your existing block of land. These approvals will cover the size of the granny flat allowed on your block of land, it’s height and whether it blocks light to your neighbours.
- Not budgeting properly: Your builder is going to assume that you have the funds for the build, so if you haven’t done your sums correctly you can be in a difficult spot when the bills are due. Always make sure that you have the money to pay for the granny flat and its build, as well as landscaping, appliances and furniture before you sign on the dotted line.
- Not checking out the builder: Does the builder have the right type of experience to design and build a granny flat? Always make sure that they have a builders licence and that it is up to date, and don’t forget to make sure that they have all the right insurances in place. These include Home Building Compensation, Contract Works, Professional and Public Indemnity, as well as Workers Compensation.
- Not creating a plan: All of the above (granny flat approvals, budgeting and checking out the builder) should be included in your building plan, so that you can feel confident about going ahead with the build. If you forget any of these steps, you can be setting yourself up for a serious fall, so it pays to have all these boxes ticked before making your final decision.
Queensland Granny Flats are a family owned business with extensive experience in designing and building granny flats (and we arrange all the granny flat approvals for you!). Call us on 07 3209 4623 or send us an email today.